Saturday I went to help my dear old roommate, Kristen, at her new house. She just became a first time homeowner (yayyy!!!) and she is SUPER excited! The house is adorable, and once she gets the "old lady look out of it, it will be even more so! She is remodeling every room in the house, most with a fresh coat of pain and new carpet. A few other rooms will get some more detailed face-lifts. I am excited to see it when it gets done!
All that being said, I am super thankful for Kristen. She has been one of the best friends I could have ever asked for. We lived together for 3 years and I can only remember one "fight" we got into, and it was me just being a grump.
Kristen has helped guide me as a friend should. So many times I would go to her for advice (though more times I was looking for approval and justification) and rather than go along with it, she would respond "Well, what do YOU think?" I cannot express how absolutely FRUSTRATING that response was, but also how absolutely CRUCIAL it was for me in a time where I wanted to make bad decisions. She knew exactly how to stir up my conscience and make me realize what truly was best for me. Without that, I think I would have learned some lessons a lot harder (and I learned some pretty hard lessons the way it was!).
Living with Kristen was also hilarious 99% of the time (1% was when we were actually sleeping). Whether we were playing videogames until 2am, making midnight trips to the VP for the best hot chocolate around, or stealthy creeping through our house with a baseball bat and butcher knife looking for intruders, there was never a dull moment. I truly miss my friend and all of the fun times that we had, and I am so thankful that God blessed me with a random roommate that happened to become a best friend.

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