Today was a super exciting day, and by super exciting I really mean rather frustrating. I spent four hours on the phone with customer service reps from Comcast and Frontier, trying to get my monthly bill to be less than the cost of my first year of college. And do you think I am exaggerating when I say 4 hours? Nope, certainly not. By the time I got off the phone, I had to recharge my cell phone because the battery was dead. I had charged it ALL night, and by 1pm the battery was dead. CRAAAAAAZY!
When I left to go to work today I went to put Finn in his crate. He does such a good job going in his crate and usually he gets a treat. Today, however, I ran out of treats and felt really bad when he went in his crate and just sat, waiting patiently for his little nugget of chewy goodness. So, I just took him to work with me. I know, I'm a sucker. He did really well, and even got to ride on the Gator :) He growled at one of the players, but I think he totally deserved it. He's the player that constantly complains about being hurt, but never really is. Finn can sense weakness (He also gets terrified when 6'6 guys in shoulder pads and helmets run to him and try to pet him, and his response is to growl, fyi). He is laying on my arm now, and making it quite hard to type.

As for Penny (because I'm sure everyone is equally as concerned about my cat as my dog), I bought her some really yummy high end cat-food tonight. I thought it would be nice, since she hasn't gotten her usual amount of attention with a dog around. Right now, I can see the bowl with her delightful cat food on the kitchen floor...with the kitchen rug in it. She obviously REALLY liked her thoughtful owner's attempt at reconciliation.
Has anything else exciting happened today? Nope, not really. If my life doesn't get a little more exciting soon, I'm going to have to rename this blog.
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