Monday, August 20, 2007

To your health, may it be better than mine

Today I finally decided that I would go to the much dreaded health center, after not feeling up to par for a few weeks. I waited for about an hour and finally the Dr. saw me. He diagnosed me with bacterial pneumonia, as well as bronchitis. What a way to start off the school year. He prescribed me some drugs, and I proceeded to the pharmacy. The pharmacist told me that the medication would be around 100 dollars for both my pills and an inhaler (I breathe like a 90 year old smoker). Oh, and the doc ordered a chest x-ray. I was just bragging the other day about never having needed x-rays before, and whoops, now I do. But I can't afford it. The nice people at the health center pitied me and found some samples of the drugs to give me, so I only ended up spending about 20 bucks for my inhaler. Which reminds me, two puffs in 15 minutes.

I remember having pneumonia when I was a kid. It was much nicer than. I got to hang out with mom, and someone bought me a puzzle to keep me busy. Now with this case of it, I have to take care of myself, go to classes, and suffer through football practice without being hospitalized. And it rains constantly. Can I just go back to being a kid? I could really go for a turkey sandwich on a crossoint, Mommy. And let's turn on the Price is Right like we used to and get working on that puzzle.

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Hey Kelly,
I finally got some time to myself so I thought I would look at your blog.
I liked reading your blog because it makes my life seem boring. When the car hit you you should have rolled around on thew ground and cried. That way that little asshole would have gotten out of his car and you could kick him in the nuts. You can't kick nuts that are inside a car.
I hope you are feeling better, you 90 year old smoker, you.
I haven't had the time to journal because of school but when I get some free time I'll post another blog.
This week sucked for me, but next week should be better. I'm happy for the weekend though.
Oh, oh, oh... I am coaching Cross Country. I have run in several races during my Army years but I have never coached Cross Country; got any pointers for me?
Be good my friend and don't be afraid to write.
Humbly, Jerry "The Magnificent" White.