Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 3

It's that time again, the time to reveal what I am thankful for today!  Are you ready?!

Today I am thankful for....drumroll please....Chick Flicks!  Well, movies in general, but specifically today I am thankful for a good 'ol chick flick.  Amidst my house cleaning, laundry folding, random errands I have been running today, I flipped on the tv to find "My Best Friend's Wedding" on ABC Family.  I love when I can sit down and become completely immersed in a movie. I love when I find myself smiling SO incredibly big because of the cute storyline.  I love the warm fuzzes.   I love the perfectly timed song played at the perfect moment of the perfectly told love story.  

I am sure that this probably sounds petty.  "She's thankful for chick flicks?" you ask.  "Wow, real deep."  Don't fret, I'll get to other important people and things that I am thankful for, but today it just so happens that I am thankful for a good movie with a great love story.  

With that being said, feel free to leave a comment of your favorite Chick Flick, RomCom, or whatever you like to call them! :D

1 comment:

TiffanyGoddard84 said...

Kelly one of my all time favorite movies is "A walk to remember." I love chick flicks too...