Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I. Am. BACK. For real this time! Maybe...

Once again, it's been almost a year since I last post.  Get over it; life happens. Hopefully it won't be a theme and THIS will be the year I post regularly.  Probably not, but here goes nothing.  

I've been on this thinking kick lately that I need to be healthier.  Lately being roughly the last 5 years of my life, but specifically lately as in the last few months.  It could be due to the fact that as I age oh-so-gloriously, I realize that my youth is slip sliding right into middle adult-hood (and I'd rather my boddy not do any slipping, if ya get what I'm saying).  It could be the fact that I'm dating a supermegafoxyawesomehot guy and want to reciprocate.  Or it could be to the fact that I am the fattest I have ever been, and I feel like I am giving two-ton Toni a run for her money.  (No, I don't really know anyone named two ton Toni.  If your name is Toni and you are two tons, I sincerely apologize and recommend you seek another blog for weight loss inspiration, as I will probably post once about this and not again for another year.  See first paragraph.)  Most likely, it's the last one, minus the Toni statement.  

That all being said, we have a problem.  I am lazy.  Sure, to the person who glances at my datebook and sees it chock-ful of events I work and the rare day off, it might seem that I am the opposite of lazy.  I work all the time.  Herein lies the problem.  While I WORK all the time, I rarely have the time to WOKR-OUT.  And if I do have the time (in between all the stuff that has to get done outside of work), I don't have the motivation to keep moving.  And that's not even mentioning my entire lack of a social life for the last three years.  What a predicament I find myself in.  

So, what does one do with oneself when one finds oneself in this situation?  Well, for me, this is the start.  Technically, last night was the start.  I found myself in a tizzy after work, tizzy standing in for hotter than a witches cauldron.  I was MAD.  When I finally got home from work at 10pm, I did the only thing that my body would do.  I ran.  I grabbed Finn's leash, put on a bright colored top and my jogging tights with the reflectors built in, and I ran.  And ran.  And then I ran some more.  When I was done, I felt lighter.  Less angry, less cynical, more sweaty.  I plan to do it again tonight.  And tomorrow, because the more I do it, the more it becomes routine.  And I want this in my routine.  I NEED this in my routine.  I want to be one of those runners who dreads missing a day, rather than a sedentaryperson who dreads the day they start back up.  

My goal is not to lose 60 pounds and fit into a size 6 (I'd settle for a 10!).  My goal is to feel BETTER. Most areas in my life are going great.  God is, as always, amazing and is leading me.  I am in a wonderful relationship with a guy who makes the guy of my dreams look like Lord Farquaad from Shrek.  My family is great, my friends are amazing, and I love my job, despite days when it makes me want to chuck a water bottle at the nearest person.  It's this one little area that is suffering; the area of physical health (which will include and filter into aspects of intellectual, emotional, spiritual, social, environmental, and occupational health (Well, hey there, Wellness degree!  I knew it would come in handy!)).  This is what I have to fix.

It will involve discipline.  It will envolve courage.  It will involve me getting off my lazy bum and doing it.  I can do this.  I CAN do this.  I CAN DO THIS.  
And I will.  

Stay tuned, and hopefully you won't have to wait a year to find out what happened.  

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